Games Recently Played

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Game Session

Tonight was a smaller group, but we got to play what I think are three good, solid games. We started with Gheos, a game I had not played in a couple of years, and now I remember why I liked it so much. Kind of like the old computer game Populous, you control the face of the land in laying tiles to create islands and continents, and then in an omnipotent way start civilizations. As turns progress you split land to cause migrations or join land together to start war. Each turn you select followers from civilizations and if you time it right they will score you points during an Epoch. Very engaging, thought provoking, and even chaotic with the changing landscape. Pretty quick to play also.

Then for a filler we played Through the Desert, and with 4 players I forgot how quickly the board fills up. I didn't pay enough attention and forgot to connect my caravans and finish sectioning off board space, and before I knew it the game was over. Definitely has a different strategy depending upon the number of players you have.

Lastly we finally dedicated time (3+ hours!) to a full game of Battlestar Galactica. I am still getting the hang of some rules which caused a little delay, but for me the time seemed to fly fast as I was not a cylon and couldn't figure out for sure who was. The theme of the game grips me as I loved the ScyFy TV series. My character was Admiral Adama, the first time I haven't been a pilot. Some players didn't like the game, but it was great for me. Both Cylon players were not selected until the second round of identity cards, and then they revealed late in the game when it was too late to stop the humans from making the jump from Kobol. We didn't have much opposition, but still were only a few points of fuel or cards away from defeat.

That's me as Adama in the brig to end the game as we made the last jump./
1- BrettH, 2- Nate J, 3- Josh D

Through the Desert
1- Josh D, 2- Tim R, 3- Brett H, 4- Nate J

Battlestar Galactica
W- BrettH, Tim R, Tyler H
L- Nate J, Josh D

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