Here are my top ten card games I enjoy playing:
1. Dominion - new card game that is fun to play and is never the same game twice. Out of 25 sets of cards you only use 10 each game, so the combinations are always changing.
2. The Great Dalmuti - fun game of moving up in society for up to 8 players. A riot when you play with different chairs and hats according to ones role.
3. SET - a brain puzzle game that should not be played too late at night or your head hurts.
4. Danish 21 - I learned this game in Denmark using any set of cards. Fun for all as there are only winners and one loser. It is a variant of the game Agurk, which is "cucumber" in danish.
5. Coloretto - a simple card game that has a card collection mechanic that became the basis for the 2008 spiel de jahres winner Zooloretto.
6. Wackee Six - A fast paced card laying game that edges out PIT as one of the most chaos enduced and frantic fun games.
7. Lost Cities - the only strict 2 player game on my list, but challenging and fun with many decisions to make.
8. Illuminati - I used to play this a long time ago, and has many variations, but it is a free for all conspiracy game of alliances.
9. Citadels - fun game for 7 players where you choose a role each turn. Because you don't know each other's identity, you don't know who you effect with your moves.
10. G.I. Joe - the only collectible card game on my list (I loath most of them especially since Magic:TG went corporate and was watered down), it actually went out of print quick preserving its original state before greedy expansions ruined it. Good mechanics and fun to play with the kids.
Honorable mention: Guillotine, Saboteur, Milles Bourne, PIT