Dominion is truly an awesome game, and the first expansion Intrigue only makes it better. The card game has simple mechanics of play an action then buy a card, with those two actions being further enhanced by other cards. The greatest aspect of Dominion is the replayability. Each game uses only 10 kingdom cards which inteact with each other to set the table for game play. The original Dominion came with 25 kingdom cards, and Intrigue added 25 more, plus there are two promotional cards to bring the total to 52 different cards. Since only 10 are used each game, the combinations are endless giving each game a different flavor and unique strategies.

Other games with great replayability are Settlers of Catan with a differently formed gameboard each game in addition to different values and scarcity assigned to each resource. The same goes for Hey That's My Fish!, with a uniquely formed gameboard each game of over 60 tiles - the added bous is that it plays quickly and often can take less time to play than to set it up! Carcassonne is another that creates a unique gameboard each time it is played.