My life is a collection of started projects. Hands tasting many pies, but not finishing the last piece. My 'to do' list of ideas and wishes grows longer without checking many off. My desk and office would be a perfect visual for this: a pile here, a stack there. . . A folder for this - now what should I label it? . . I'm not gonna throw this away, I might need it for a project. . . That reminds me of a new thing I want to do. . . And the piles stack higher, the want to do list grows longer, and the collection of things that is my life never seems to have everything in the right place. How do I organize my computer files? What about my photographs? Does each subject needs its own folder? The sum of my thoughts and my life is a dumping ground where the colors blend and it all mixes together.

I love reading, writing, media, thought, ideas, discovery, ponderings - a blog must be the place to go. Maybe not truly a web log, but a web dump - a bump. This seems to be a place where most mediums that contain a part of me - or at least an essence - can be found. Now this is a selfish venture, mind you. I consider most blogs to be quite narcissistic and self-indulgent. Waving a cyberspace banner: 'Look at me! Am I not interesting?' I do want to write and record though for me, so I can make sense of everything that swirls around. It might seem wierd but I will stay up late and read parts of my 250 page Master's Thesis, and wonder, 'I wrote that?' 'That's what I thought?' I can't even remember. This is my journal for my journey, to record so I don't forget. And my mind is slowly slipping at that . . .
Obviously I would want my family on board, and anyone else who would care. Comments and sharing is welcome. But don't feel secure in labeling anything, it would be too hard to stay on topic. And I would have no idea what pile of papers to put it in.
yes. yes I am self-indulgent. So look at me :-)
ReplyDeleteI do look at you! The blogs I refer to are the daily diary-type that follow people around in all the mundane things. They would be the ones that would also most likely have a web-cam on 24/7.