Today was EFM at Fountain Valley High School, or "Every Fifteen Minutes", that is how often a drunk driver kills someone. It is a production for Juniors & Seniors at FVHS that involves the police, fire, and other city departments to warn teens of the dangers of drunk driving. Last year Hannah was on the award-winning crew that produced the video for Los Amigos HS, and was recognized by the city. This year she is co-producing it at FVHS, and today was the accident scene in front of the school. Hannah got to film at the jail, ride in the ambulance, and tonight will be editing film all night to produce the video for the school assembly tomorrow. She is doing an awesome job, and the event today that the students got to witness was very sobering and moving. Remember this is all a production, not an actual accident.
To see all the pictures following Hannah, click below:
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