I think one of the coolest co-op games to arrive in the past few years is Yggdrasil. Of course its cool to me as it centers on Norse mythology and the great tree that connects all of the 9 realms together. In this cooperative you each play one of the Norse gods who collectively are trying to keep the evil forces (Loki, Fenrir, Hel, etc.) from breaking through the walls of Asgard and into Odin's palace. To do so on your turn you have a few actions to visit the various realms to recruit Elves from Niflheim and dead warriors from Valhalla, slay frost giants, move the Valkyrie, enhance your weapons, etc. all in order to push back the individual monsters from advancing. The mechanics utilize the mythology well, and it is a tense game. I played Heimdall (guardian of the bifrost bridge) and wasted my special ability to recruit warriors by making horrible rolls. I really cost my team, and it came down to me trying to slay a frost giant that would complete a rune set that would enable us to push back 3 enemies . . . and I again blew the roll for reinforcements. AAAHHHH! I think I have only defeated this game once, but I must say we did play on a higher difficulty level than usual. Fun.

With more of a group that gathered we played an intense gane of Shadow Hunters that came down to a Shadow & a Hunter facing off in the end. The Hunter won (my team) so it was all good. We followed that with some Danish 21 and then a few good rounds of Werewolf (I moderated them).
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