We got to play a few really good games tonight. For the first time I got to play a full game of Power Grid: Factory Manager and teach it to the others. It has auctioning similar to Power Grid, but is a much shorter game and auctions in a different way. You auction turn order (balancing first pick of factory parts with discounts on your purchase), everyone selects factory parts (machines, robotic arms, storage capacity & modernization tech) to put in the market, and then items are purchased in turn order. It has a good balance for that with decisions that may leave you out of purchasing what you want. Then you need to balance those parts in your factory to be profitable. Each part can add/subtract to your production, storage, manpower and energy power that is used. The manpower is also needed for the initial auction and ability to get parts, and can augmented by hiring a day worker. You also get no benfit from production greater than your storage capability. And THEN, once you determine your production and earn money, you must pay energy power costs that are multiplied by the current power market, whch can go up each turn. It is not that complex, but requires thought and decisions, and in only five turns! That keeps the game short which is also nice. I definitely liked it.

We started the evening by playing a four player game of Castles of Burgundy which was way more intense than the two player game. Turn order seemed to matter alot, and early on it looked like I had not much to select from in my actions for my estate. So I concentrated on what others were NOT doing, namely mines and knowledge, and so although I was far behind in the beginning, I made a surge at the end due to the multiplying effect of some of my knowledge and almost caught the leader. But Nate really wiped us out, mainly becasue of his "pig farming". He was able to fill an entire 5 spot field with all pigs (which multiplied) and on one turn nearly netted 40 pints. If we thought about it, we could have stopped him somewhat, but we could not overcome his huge lead. I saw some great balancing mechanics between the 2 & 4 player games that are really smart with regards to shipping. CoB is a great game that I really want to play again.
Castles of Burgundy
1- Nate J, 2- Brett H, 3- Matt N, 4- Josh D
Power Grid: Factory Manager
1- Brett H, 2- Dallin E, 3- Bro J, 4- Nate J
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