After not having game night for a few weeks, we finally got to bring the Kennerspiel des Jahres ("Complex" game of the year) winner for 2012 to the table, Village. In some ways it is a typical good Euro-game with worker placement mechanics and resource collecting/management, but the workers are unique in that they come in "generations" and some in fact "die" and more points are earned if they get a place in the village chronicle for their deeds instead of being buried in the "unknown graves". There is great variety in the game as each turn random colored cubes (resources and attributes) are placed in various locations. A cube is then selected to utilize that location, and then the cubes are used to pay for different actions. Generations of workers are taken from the home farm to learn skills and perform actions as a craftsman, in the church, in the town hall, at the marketplace, or even traveling to other villages. There are many decision, choices and path to victory points, but it is not an overwhelming amount.

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