We had some of the old, some of the new, and a mixture in between. We played Panic Station - man I love that game! It was actually a fairly short game, I was the host and a unfriendly set of room draws made for a bad set-up for the uninfected. Normally for the infected it is not as suspenseful, but the place was crawling with parasites and we all lost half of our health just a few turns in and I didn't know if anyone would survive. All that was needed was to infect one other person, have other suspicious people kill each other, a grenade lob, and wham - humans lost. I wanted to play again immediately.

When then played some Dominion with the new card set Dark Ages which includes a ton of cards and many new additions to the game. We played only with expansion cards and I got smoked in the game, but it was alot of fun with the new cards. With so many cards they must be up to more game card combinations than our nation's deficit, if that is possible. There is a lot of trashing ability with the DA cards, you start with shelters instead of estates, and you can give other players ruins cards that seem as bad as curses and clog your deck.

We ended by playing Rattus with the Africanus expansion that increases the board to northern Africa and can be played with 5-6 players now. The game is about the black plague in 1347 spread by rats and you select characters and place population for yourself, but when you move the plague it takes other players population away. It has a great mechanic for doing this that takes some forethought on your moves. The game ends when a player has all his population on the board or the plague runs out. I was doing pretty well, but Nate planned better for the end and moved past me on the last turn.
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