For Family Home Evening I got to pick the activity, and I decided on a couple of cool family games from the French company Le Scorpion Masque. The first was Trafffic, a pattern recognition game not unlike SET, even simpler with a few twists. You have random colored cars on a grid, and you try to match patterns of cars to cards that are dealt to you. You can change the location of a car by grabbing the green stoplight, but cannot do it again until someone else makes a change and takes the green marker from you. Caleb was simply too quick and easily disposed of all of us every game. The second game is the very unique Climb! that resembles the climbing of a rock surface where you actually use the dexterity of your fingers to "climb" a pattern. The ladies in our family all play piano, and most inherited long fingers from my wife Michelle, and they excelled at this game. Unlike me, who has short stubby hobbit fingers that could not bend the right way, or I moved the cards or couldn't put my fingers in the hole "holds". I think the game is cool and I like it, I'm just not any good at it. My wife says its the independant finger muscles that they have from piano that makes the difference. Every time I try to move a finger, they all want to do it at the same time and I "fall" in the game. I did complete the climb once scoring 21 points and felt accomplished, only to have my 10 year old daughter Sarah do the same climb in a more advantageous way and score 38 points. Of course my wife went along and topped us all with 39 points. Very unique game, and that's a large portion of the fun of it.

Fat stubby fingers (like mine) have a harder time with Climb! |
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