Games Recently Played

Friday, May 4, 2012

Game Session

A new month in May! New standings in our gaming to redeem many from last month. For our large group game to start off, we played Saboteur (the first version), a great little card game with a traitor element. Essentially you a building as a group of dwarves tunnels to get to gold, but the secret saboteurs are trying to get you off track. We played a large game with 10 people, and the saboteurs lost every time - it was difficult. While some played Thunderstone, I played another bigger game of 7 Wonders. I always think I am doing bad in that game, but end up having a pretty good score.
I then played a small filler game of Hey, That's My Fish!, one of my favorites. Its a simple game of chess-like movement and the disappearance of the playing surface which happens to be ice-floes and you are penguins collecting fish. It often takes as much time to play as to set it up. That game was the closest I have seen, with all 4 players scoring 26 or 25.

After a food break, the late game was Troyes, another game that is growing on me. It is also a game where I have no solid idea of how good I am doing, so there is tension. Each time I have played there has been variation, but I must admit, the archers are powerful! I ended the game with a cool combination of getting yellow dice (commerce) for free, turning them into red (military), and using them either for the archers to take out black cards or spending favor to turn them into money.

1- Tyler H, Matt N; 2- Charles G; 3- Creela H, Jeremy, Mike C; 4- Tim R, Brett H; 5- Nate J; 6- Amber J

1- Tyler H, 2- Nate J, 3- Tim R, 4- Matt N, 5- Creela H

7 Wonders
1- Brett H, 2- Dallin E, 3- Mike C, 4- Nate R, 5- Jeremy, 6- Charles, 7- Erika

Hey, That's My Fish!
1- Dallin E, Nate R, 3- Brett H, Erika

1- Brett H, 2- Tyler H, Tim R

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