Obviously we never go to the game convention on Sunday, but I always go back for the last day on the Monday holiday. The main reason is the auction they hold where you can get great deals on games, and it is also entertaining. I was able to pick up a couple of games for great deals and it was worth it. With the convention closing down I only really played one game:

KINGDOM BUILDER: Rick Baptist, a guy I've gotten to know at the past Strategicons, taught me this game. I've been wanting to play it, by the same the guy who designed Dominion. It has great replayability, as you use 4 of the 12 boards provided, each with special pieces, and deal out 3 win condition cards out of 15 just for that game. The variety is very appealing, and game play is simple and straightforward as you lay pieces each turn trying to gain victory points according to that game's win conditions, and move next to special spaces which give you abilities for more plays. The only aspect I didn't like was a card you drew each turn to determine what type of terrain you could play on. This random element had a controlling factor in the game, but otherwise I liked it and did pretty well my first time, placing 3rd out of 5 players.
I am yellow and was not able to connect many places, but did fill every hex row (a victory point condition). |
This is the area I started in and it became a bottleneck for me. |
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