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Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day '12

My wife Michelle organized us to go to the Fountain Valley veteran memorial by the civic center this evening for Family Night/Memorial Day. It was neat as our kids saw the memorials for the various wars (they shared what they have learned in school about the history of those wars), with the current plaque for the Afganistan conflict covered with flags and pictures of those who sacrificed their lives. Humbling to say the least. We also saw the 9/11 memorial for the city, made out of a piece of gorder from the WTC attacks. Michelle shared stories about Grandpa Stagg and the time he served in WW II away from his family. My father was in the airforce at the time of the Korean war, but never went to battle. We ended the evening by watching the movie "Saints and Soldiers", an emotional movie about sacrifice in war.

My dad in gear.
My dad in the Air Force.

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